Artist Life Health and well being my TOP PRIORITY. Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. 2025 will be great!

Artist Life Health and well being my TOP PRIORITY

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. 2025 will be great!

I will Travel to Germany after 30 years away. Come with me!

Hello friends, collectors and followers,

The last few years have been a real rollercoaster, I am sure I don’t have to remind you of that.

We all have put up with a lot, many of us had  health issues, I am one of them. I had a stroke in 2021. I actually had to look up the year because it feels like it was just about two years ago. There is still some fog around  my memories, it’s been  much longer. It was  in July 2021 that I  had a stroke and that’s now three years ago.

The last  three years were occupied with making  my health and well being my TOP PRIORITY and it worked. I almost met my weight goal; My fitness level has gone from zero to 100, eventually my goals for health, fitness and wellness will all be achieved, that  will be an occasion for celebration.

It’s not  just about  weight. My eating habits weren’t exactly healthy, thanks to my LOVE of  pastries and following a vegan lifestyle of no meat, and almost no exercise, I gained so much weight due mostly to the carbs on my plate, it all caught up with me in 2021. But  that’s not what I mainly want to tell you today.

Well, with all the past years’ drama and  struggle I decided to go and see my Mother. She still lives in  Germany in a very small village/town, what we call “Doerfchen” in German.
She’s 86 and still fit as a Tennis shoe! Of course we talked on the phone a lot but I really wanted to visit her finally. Flying is not something I look forward to, but I must be brave. How else will I get  to Germany?

Another super event I look forward to  is getting  to  meet up with a very dear dear friend,  someone who holds a special place in my heart. One of the many people that  I left behind when I  moved to the US  with my American Husband in 1987. I will meet up with him in Frankfurt where I lived in  Germany during my late teens and my 20s. When I worked in the Music industry in Frankfurt. 

Leaving all my friends and family, especially my Grandparents behind, suddenly, without proper goodbyes in 1987 was one of the most painful things I ever did. That’s a story for another time.
So in a few  days,  I will board  a plane in Atlanta International Airport to fly 8.5 hours to Frankfurt, where a wonderful Hotel reservation in the old town area of Sachsenhausen is already waiting for me, thanks to my dear, generous friend. I look forward to our reunion and my continued travel from Frankfurt to a small town near Bad Kreuznach Germany, to embrace  my mother and hope she can put up with me for almost 4 weeks. 
I will do my best to post pictures and write about my visit so make sure you check back at least once a week to see how it all goes. 

Original Art by Ginette Callaway