French Country Farm Charming Old World Style. Memories awake!
I came across it while browsing YouTube. The images stirred memories, it all looks very familiar the old world style. Just watching them made me feel at home. The style, the simple, rugged decor, yes the charming details is what epitomizes French Country or Farm style to me. I remember the same sentiments in decor, useful, comfortable yet attention to charming detail.
Crock pots, pottery, that is worn, has been used, not just a decorative item but someone drinks Café au Lait from the bol. Tile floors that show cracks, headboard that are painted on the wall, tied curtains and the lovely skirts around cabinetry and sink, I used to do that for a long time. It’s so French.
The old world style tablecloths and napkin colors are so VanGogh
The sunflower yellow, poppy red and Provencal blue, are madly inspiring.
I feel pulled back in time when I remember seeing these things around me. They were everyday mundane object, that have now become style.
We, my brother Christian and I, were growing up “poor” but I never felt poor. Maybe because I had such riches, the warmth from my grand parents. My grandmother who baked, and cooked and kept me fed and was there. My grand father, who worked from 4 AM till 2 PM and then did all the yard and garden work. He let me help him, with my little hoe, getting the weeds from between the roses. All that seems so far away now, like in another time, planet even. This little video is like a looking-glass. My childhood was a mix of French and German, Alsatian and Pfalz. There are things I still love to do today that are so, well, “old-fashioned”, but they are remnant of all this, once upon a time. Thank you for listening. I love to hear what you think, and how you connect the past with the present.