Providence Canyon Georgia Contemporary Landscape Painting


Georgia Providence Canyon Contemporary Landscape Painting

Size in inches: 16 by 20
Size in Centimeters: 40.64 x 50.8 cm
Medium: Watercolors and Ink
Surface: Arches 200lb Watercolor Paper with deckled edges
Framed: No
Signed: Yes (front and back)


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I have just spend 4 days in Omaha Georgia Florence Marina. My objective was to visit Georgia Providence Canyon nearby. Which I did. It was fantastic. I wanted to see the canyon, in order to paint it but I also wanted to take plenty of photos to work from. I thoroughly enjoyed myself even though it was grueling. It’s has only been four month since I had a stroke that left me paralyzed on the left ide. But I fought myself back so much so that I was able to make that trip. My husband was there to take care of most of the more heavy lifting as we camped at the park.

Here is a link to the Georgia Providence Canyon Sate Park website if you want more information

This contemporary Georgia State Park art piece is done with sumi ink, watercolors and gouache. I included some examples of how it can look matted and framed in a house setting, however the painting does not come with a mat or frame. You are buying and original painting on watercolor paper.

I give you a link to my blog post where I give more info on my short rip.


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  • Georgia
  • Travel
  • State Parks