Autumn Trees Watercolors Sales Announcement Shout out to Marietta Georgia

Autumn Trees Watercolors Sales Announcement Shout out to Marietta Georgia

Ginette Callaway sold a 15.5″ x 24″ print of Autumn Trees Watercolors to a buyer from Marietta, GA. A warm THANK YOU goes to all my buyers and collectors. You are much appreciated! I extended Discount Code HBBTAR 25% until October/23/2022 (Artist’s Birthday) Buy

Texas Blue Bonnets and Indian Paintbrush Watercolor Sales Announcement

Texas Blue Bonnets and Indian Paintbrush

Artist Ginette Painting Silver Fir Trees Landscape Watercolors and Ink

Silver Fir Trees Watercolor and ink painting

Red Onions a story about self sufficiency

Red Onions a story about self sufficiency

Lake Como Italy Original Watercolors and Ink Painting

Lake Como Italy original painting

Ink work on new painting of larger Huguenot Church

Ink work on new painting

Discount Code JZZPGL on all art prints

Discount Code JZZPGL

French Huguenot Church painting found the perfect home

French Huguenot Church Sold

Happy Saturday Watercolor Pollard Trees

Happy Saturday Pollard Tree

Granville Ohio showed me some Love

Granville Ohio thank You for purchasing my art