Yellow Onions Food Art Watercolors and Ink Paintings


Yellow Onions Watercolors and Ink painting by Ginette Callaway

Size in inches: 10 by 14
Size in Centimeters: 25.4 x 35.56
Medium: Watercolors
Surface: 300 lb Watercolor Paper
framed: No
Signed: Yes (front and back)


Yellow Onions Food Art Watercolors and Ink paintings
I love cooking, growing my own vegetables when possible, p
ainting Food Art and studying the principle of
"Let Food Be Thy Medicine"! In that spirit I paint various produce that are superbly healthy and beautiful. 

There are few hardy dishes that I fix, that do not contain onions. I use them a lot and recently I even made an onion infusion that is great for treating cough and congestion. I learned that way back when I was a child, from my grandmother. All sort of onions have healthy and healing properties.
Here yellow onions made their way into my food art series. I got to use wonderful warm brown and red tones, yellow ocher and soft touches of green and neutral. 

Onions are among the many food paintings/drawings I created over the years. Whenever I see onions I think of a story of my grandmother told me.
As WWII was raging and Germany was being bombed by the allies, my uncle a young boy then, came down with pneumonia. My grandmother and her sister held vigil at his bed and they treated him with onions poultices on his chest around the clock. There were no medical services, no 911 in those harsh days and it tested every family back then. Onions poultices was a common treatment for pulmonary illnesses. This treatment made him cough up all the phlegm and in time he stopped coughing regained his strengths and could breath again. He lived a long life. Knowing your food, growing it when possible and understanding that the power of many garden vegetables and wild plants goes way beyond culinary nourishment. Indeed most make up a pharmacopeia that is accessible to everyone who looks for it. 

To purchase a print of Yellow Onions Food Art Watercolors and Ink please click this CLICK HERE

Contact the artist CLICK HERE

Check out our Microgreens at True Leaf Market

True Leaf Market Recommended by Ginette 

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