This autumn trees bird migration landscape painting in oil shows off my palette knives and brush work.
It’s a classic who’s color palette will always be a warm welcoming sight.
It will be a wonderful addition to your collection of original art. I used a warm autumn color palette. Trees in red hues, soft yellows with gentle blues and off white accents.
When autumn arrives it is the birds migration activity that fascinates me. Sometimes huge flocks of them land in trees around my house and their chatter is marvelous.
Autumn trees and bird migration go together like apple and pie, which is why them together a lot. I can’t imagine autumn with a scene that hasn’t birds in it, can you? I paint trees and many birds and celebrate the act of bird migration. The Change of season. Isn’t it marvelous how birds can just take off and go where they like.
You probably know that I am painting in oil and watercolors. Ginette fine Art has been around since 1999. My art career started on EBAY many moons ago. Eventually I created my own website and Ginette Fine Art Blog is where I share thoughts, words, experiences and I will be doing more of that.
My art is what keeps me going. It’s been almost 30 years. I came to the US 32 years ago from Germany. Now I am a full time artist. It’s my life.
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